Who can believe we are already 3 weeks into 2022? And that nothing of significance has changed since 2021? Well, for me, anyway, it hasn’t. I thought come January I would be less busy and can do all sorts of things that I want, but apparently not. As a result, I end up not knowing what I want to do this month. There are a few things that come to mind, but somehow my mind feels so hazy I cannot begin to understand where to start. Then came date night, when Agung and I kind of start wandering around quite aimlessly. Okay, I promise I will start organising my thoughts and wants better in the next week—I truly blame the crazy work schedule of the past two weeks.
Oftentimes Agung and I like to lean into our comfort zones. These include our usual haunts, our regular menus, our easy choices. And one of those things happen to be this charming little coffee shop that is absolutely booming in Jakarta, if not Indonesia. They have a number of branches spread all across the greater Jakarta area—and Surabaya, all of a sudden. Agung and I enjoy visiting them at any of their selection of branches, but we always seem to end up at either their Cipete or Blok M shops. Somehow these two always seem to offer the best comfort. We visited the Blok M one where we took these photos, which happened to be quite devoid of people at times, allowing us to steal some shots now and then. It was so perfect!
Fun fact: this was the coffee shop a stranger once asked to take photos of us, because she thought we were so cute together. We cannot help but to be reminded of her whenever we visit this branch. Hi, Shenny, I hope you’re reading! 👋🏻
Thrifted top // old dress + tights // hand-me-down jacket + purse // photos by Agung
Okay, can you believe that I’ve had these tights since 2012? And that they still fit me nicely today? Crazy! I swear I’m now at least 10 kg heavier than I was back then. How do these tights stretch so comfortably? Granted, they’re ripped in places now, but still so minor it’s almost not worth mentioning. The majority of this outfit is made up of items I’ve had for years, but somehow never thought to combine before. I wore it to work sometime last year and liked the combo enough to rewear it now for this good ol’ blog. By the way, am I the only person in the world who creates a whole outfit around her mask these days? I feel that’s one of the ways the pandemic has changed me. Before I reach out for a top/bottom/dress—or even socks!—I would recall which mask I have in rotation at this moment (lol).
Speaking of things that last a long time, this blog has got to be my longest relationship yet. I can’t believe that it will be turning 10 in just 4 days. Look at me 10 years later! My own domain and web design, an integrated email system and portfolio pages. Yup, it only took a decade to make all these changes happen 😂 So many things have changed—both in my personal life, professional life and my mindset regarding this blog. I’ve learnt a lot from the experience. I’ve got to know a lot of people from this little platform too. It’s been so, so life changing in ways I never really expected.
That being said, some things never change. I still like to create quirky outfits. I still use the exact same camera—you’d think I’d upgrade by now. I still connect with some of good ol’ blogger friends—Jen and I still chat from time to time, despite never having met IRL! And, last but not least, I still love writing about all sorts of things in this little space of my life. One day, maybe, it will change forever or be abandoned altogether. But, until then, let’s enjoy this ride together!
Who can believe we are already 3 weeks into 2022? And that nothing of significance has changed since 2021? Well, for me, anyway, it hasn’t. I thought come January I would be less busy and can do all sorts of things that I want, but apparently not. As a result, I end up not knowing what I want to do this month. There are a few things that come to mind, but somehow my mind feels so hazy I cannot begin to understand where to start. Then came date night, when Agung and I kind of start wandering around quite aimlessly. Okay, I promise I will start organising my thoughts and wants better in the next week—I truly blame the crazy work schedule of the past two weeks.
Oftentimes Agung and I like to lean into our comfort zones. These include our usual haunts, our regular menus, our easy choices. And one of those things happen to be this charming little coffee shop that is absolutely booming in Jakarta, if not Indonesia. They have a number of branches spread all across the greater Jakarta area—and Surabaya, all of a sudden. Agung and I enjoy visiting them at any of their selection of branches, but we always seem to end up at either their Cipete or Blok M shops. Somehow these two always seem to offer the best comfort. We visited the Blok M one where we took these photos, which happened to be quite devoid of people at times, allowing us to steal some shots now and then. It was so perfect!
Fun fact: this was the coffee shop a stranger once asked to take photos of us, because she thought we were so cute together. We cannot help but to be reminded of her whenever we visit this branch. Hi, Shenny, I hope you’re reading! 👋🏻
Thrifted top // old dress + tights // hand-me-down jacket + purse // photos by Agung
Okay, can you believe that I’ve had these tights since 2012? And that they still fit me nicely today? Crazy! I swear I’m now at least 10 kg heavier than I was back then. How do these tights stretch so comfortably? Granted, they’re ripped in places now, but still so minor it’s almost not worth mentioning. The majority of this outfit is made up of items I’ve had for years, but somehow never thought to combine before. I wore it to work sometime last year and liked the combo enough to rewear it now for this good ol’ blog. By the way, am I the only person in the world who creates a whole outfit around her mask these days? I feel that’s one of the ways the pandemic has changed me. Before I reach out for a top/bottom/dress—or even socks!—I would recall which mask I have in rotation at this moment (lol).
Speaking of things that last a long time, this blog has got to be my longest relationship yet. I can’t believe that it will be turning 10 in just 4 days. Look at me 10 years later! My own domain and web design, an integrated email system and portfolio pages. Yup, it only took a decade to make all these changes happen 😂 So many things have changed—both in my personal life, professional life and my mindset regarding this blog. I’ve learnt a lot from the experience. I’ve got to know a lot of people from this little platform too. It’s been so, so life changing in ways I never really expected.
That being said, some things never change. I still like to create quirky outfits. I still use the exact same camera—you’d think I’d upgrade by now. I still connect with some of good ol’ blogger friends—Jen and I still chat from time to time, despite never having met IRL! And, last but not least, I still love writing about all sorts of things in this little space of my life. One day, maybe, it will change forever or be abandoned altogether. But, until then, let’s enjoy this ride together!