
A Quaint Little Kitchen
Oh my God! I cannot believe the whole month of January has come and gone, both very quickly and also very slowly. On the one hand, it felt like I hadn’t…

Weekend Noods
Just popping in real quick—with only less than 10 photos!—to let you know of this charming little noodle place in Kramat Pela. It’s called The Weekend Bakmie and Agung and I…

In Joyland We Trust
I guess after our second attendance at Joyland—having tasted both the Bali and Jakarta chapter—going to this incredible festival became a sort of tradition for Agung and myself…

12730: Unexpected, Indeed
Some exhibitions come and go, while others are here to stay—and, if you’ve been here long…

A Midsummer’s Nightmare
If you see a meek girl wearing traditional Scandinavian getup and a crown of beautiful…

Will Never Be 31 Again
By the time you’re reading this, I will already be 32. Hitting a new age got me feeling real nostalgic, reminiscing the previous birthdays back when I turned 20, turned 30 and how…

Golden Coffee Hour
Hello, October! It’s been a pretty packed last couple of months, hasn’t it? I thought we’d dial it down to a lowkey chit chat session on this week’s blog…

Summer Home: A Conceptual Dwelling
Last week Agung and I stopped by an interior design exhibition called The Colours of…

Literary Party
On the last day of August, Agung and I visited Pesta Literasi (lit. trans. Literacy Party) at Taman Ismail Marzuki. It is a literary-based event held by Gramedia, a major publishing…