Ready to Join a Convent

Currently Reading: Little Fires Everywhere – Celeste Ng

Hiya, I’m back! Can you believe it’s almost the last week of Ramadan already? The first two weeks pummelled me to the ground with a few crises and demanding projects at work. Hence, the lack of posts last week—sorry about that, if you noticed. But towards the end of the second week, I finally managed to go on a date with my beloved Agung and snap some photos in the process. Since we’re fasting, though, we took a break from taking photos in restaurants, of course, but that doesn’t mean we ran out of gorgeous locations for the backdrop.

After almost a decade of blogging, I’m a huge believer of finding beauty in everyday places and perspective changes how we see places—and this spot proves it yet again. In fact, this is just a spot by the side of the road. Crazy, right? It’s so lovely and quite secluded in its own unique way, so we got both the aesthetic value and the privacy of the location. Agung was so enthusiastic about this photoshoot as always and I cannot be more grateful for him ♥︎ Afterwards, we went to a mall to break our fast and buy myself a new pair of glasses—stay tuned for the reveal!

Herheinedress // Hand-me-down shirt (Stepmom’s) + bag (Mom’s) // old headband // M&S socks // Nappa Milano loafers // photos byAgung

Remember last time when I told you about a dress from Herheine? Well, here is that dream of a frock! It was a love at firs sight with this baby. The beautiful silhouette, the brocade fabric and the amazing fit—what’s not to love? For me, the only downside is the deep v-neck, although it’s so good to wear over a button-down shirt. The pairing creates a whole catholic or preppy look—honestly, is it sacrilegious to look like you’re ready to join a convent during the holy month of Ramadan?

I really adore the full skirt—it’s the biggest skirt I’ve ever worn!—and I just wish I had a petticoat to complete the look. The somewhat thick brocade makes me feel like an English queen. The best part is, since it was made locally, it fits the climate perfectly—even though it was a bit on the thick side, it’s not too hot to wear outside.

Did I mention just how much I love this dress? Well, here’s a local designer whose work I will be on the lookout for. Their designs are just so up my alley and I’m excited to see what more they’ve got in store.


Currently Reading: Little Fires Everywhere – Celeste Ng

Hiya, I’m back! Can you believe it’s almost the last week of Ramadan already? The first two weeks pummelled me to the ground with a few crises and demanding projects at work. Hence, the lack of posts last week—sorry about that, if you noticed. But towards the end of the second week, I finally managed to go on a date with my beloved Agung and snap some photos in the process. Since we’re fasting, though, we took a break from taking photos in restaurants, of course, but that doesn’t mean we ran out of gorgeous locations for the backdrop.

After almost a decade of blogging, I’m a huge believer of finding beauty in everyday places and perspective changes how we see places—and this spot proves it yet again. In fact, this is just a spot by the side of the road. Crazy, right? It’s so lovely and quite secluded in its own unique way, so we got both the aesthetic value and the privacy of the location. Agung was so enthusiastic about this photoshoot as always and I cannot be more grateful for him ♥︎ Afterwards, we went to a mall to break our fast and buy myself a new pair of glasses—stay tuned for the reveal!

Herheinedress // Hand-me-down shirt (Stepmom’s) + bag (Mom’s) // old headband // M&S socks // Nappa Milano loafers // photos byAgung

Remember last time when I told you about a dress from Herheine? Well, here is that dream of a frock! It was a love at firs sight with this baby. The beautiful silhouette, the brocade fabric and the amazing fit—what’s not to love? For me, the only downside is the deep v-neck, although it’s so good to wear over a button-down shirt. The pairing creates a whole catholic or preppy look—honestly, is it sacrilegious to look like you’re ready to join a convent during the holy month of Ramadan?

I really adore the full skirt—it’s the biggest skirt I’ve ever worn!—and I just wish I had a petticoat to complete the look. The somewhat thick brocade makes me feel like an English queen. The best part is, since it was made locally, it fits the climate perfectly—even though it was a bit on the thick side, it’s not too hot to wear outside.

Did I mention just how much I love this dress? Well, here’s a local designer whose work I will be on the lookout for. Their designs are just so up my alley and I’m excited to see what more they’ve got in store.