Stadt in Überblick: Kassel
After almost 2 years of living in this town, today I must bid it adieu. Well, I’m actually all…
Rundgang 2013
At the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Kassel Art University), there is a tradition to hold an exhibition collective every summer which will be featuring the…
The Aftermath of a Good Time (Last)
The next day we went to the Grimm Brothers Museum. I’ve been there for a class…
The Aftermath of a Good Time (First)
Since last Sunday and Monday were Pentecost, my good friends Iva and Wilson…
How Serendipitous!
Since last Thursday was Germany’s Re-union…aWhen we were kids, our parents kept telling us to stay away from strangers, to not open the doors to strangers…
Location: Bittersweet
Bittersweet isn’t a feeling. It’s not a moment. It’s a place. That’s where I am right…
Healthy Kassel Long Weekend
Last Thursday was the Ascension. Here in Germany, it’s a holiday. Since I was just…