One of my current favourite items in my wardrobe! It was two years ago when I stumbled upon this dress almost serendipitously and it felt like destiny to be able to purchase it—it has gone under serious discount, I believe. It is the only fully backless dress I’ve ever owned. I used to think wearing backless items means seriously asking to be literally stabbed from the back—you’re just so vulnerable back there!—but I can’t help but to fall in love with this one. I love the silhouette very much—almost reminiscent of Victorian-era maids or The Sound of Music.
When I first bought it, I knew straight away it would be nice to wear on a picnic somewhere—most likely in the woods, where no one would stare at your bare back the whole time. The skirt in particular is very much to my liking, what with being semi-pleated and flows really nicely. The ribbon detail on the front is also lovely, although with almost no purpose at all. The chest area is padded too, which makes it so much easier to wear. Maybe one day I’ll wear it on its own and actually take it on that picnic.