At the beginning of 2019, I posted a recap of 2018 with the title The Wheel Starts Turning. There is a certain symbolism in that which reminds me of Narnia’s The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. My life in the past few years felt eerily similar to the eternal winter of The White Witch, and only recently—in 2018—did spring seem to arrive.
I’ve never imagined that I would once again feel a sense of belonging in the faces of strangers—like I used to feel back in 2012 and 2013. I thought finding one’s place is a luxury and indulgence of youth—something I believe I no longer have—but, somehow, my roots start to grow into this warm soil.
Change is just part of everyday life these days, that I’ve got no choice but to embrace it. Some changes are easier to swallow than others, and this year is chock full of them. But, hey, this is my life, not a lack thereof; there’s not much else to do, but to live it.

December of 2018 and this January were the most heartbreaking months for a lot of my loved ones. They were the months when several fathers of my friends passed away. While it has obviously been painful for them, it has allowed me to meet up with Iva—and the boys—first thing this year. After New Year’s it was pretty chill, somehow. I’ve got my annual haircut—which has become a sort of tradition lately. I also got to celebrate this blog’s 7th anniversary with a walk down memory lane.
Continuing from last year, I was still interning at my best friend Gina’s office, while still going to class regularly. Although undocumented, I was able to share about zero-waste lifestyle at work and it was very well received—so much so that I was to be remembered as the anti-plastic advocate.
On social media, this was the year I decided to start planning my grid on instagram—such a game-changer! Somehow, January became yet another exhausting month—not unlike last year, but without the beautiful ending.

February was the month I officially became a full-time intern. It is also a month filled with so many creative activities. The month started off with the Hourly Comic Day—which I could finally participate in! Then there was also the Lemari Bukubuku event I attended—as an illustrator. I’ve always wanted to join in, so this was such a highlight of the month. The event has allowed me to meet some of my favourite illustrators for the first time, including Komik Rukii and Mbak Nana. Everyone was so fun and kind, I can’t wait for the next one! On my way home, I managed to snatch some books from my best friend Uli’s shelf.
For Valentine’s Day, the office I worked in released a video campaign that we shot at Gina’s house. It was a really unique experience and I really love how it turned out.
Towards the end of the month, as I was joining Comic Frontier again, I had the opportunity of working with Gogoprint Indonesia. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a smooth-sailing collaboration. The event was also a bit of a disappointment somehow.

March was insanely eventful—and bittersweet. Oh boy, where do I even start? The month started with a pleasant first-time meeting with the lovely ladies from Tisseuses d’idées. We first communicated through instagram and quickly bonded over our passion for ethical fashion. We had a nice meal at Loka Padang, hung out a bit at Gelato Secrets—both being eco-friendly places to eat—and visited Imaji Studio‘s headquarter. It was an absolute ball!
Meanwhile, things at the office were picking up speed as a product-launching event was underway. The event was held towards the middle of the month and it was so exhausting—yet, for me, so rewarding. In the last 48 hours before the event ended, I only slept for 30 minutes—and got rained on at 5am! Sad news ensued, as the event marked the end of employment for two of my favourite co-workers. You best bet I cried a lot that night.
Towards the end of the month, my sister and I finally visited Saruga Packfree Store near where we live. It’s the first zero-waste store I’ve ever been to!

April started with bad news from my relatives: my beloved Grandmother was hospitalised. Our whole family quickly took the train to Surabaya. She was put in a comma for treatment and holed in at the ICU for intensive care. We took turns going in to see her and prayed for her.
Unfortunately, real life had to continue and I had an internal event to run—the first one I was in-charge with! With a snazzy name—courtesy of my good friend Agung—”From Trash to Cash,” my friend Dinda and I managed to get our colleagues to an abandoned field littered with trash and clean up a little bit. The trash talk continues later that month with my thorough guide of waste sorting in Indonesia—a topic I’ve been dying to discuss.
At the office, however, I still had another event to run: our company’s 4th anniversary. It was so stressful! April left me feeling very high strung and stressed out somehow. Then May came around.

May was the strangest month in a way that I can’t quite explain. The month started out quite peacefully with an outfit swap party held by Tukar Baju—which my sister and I visited. But it went downhill from there.
If I thought April started out badly, May was a doozy. My Grandmother ended up not making it and passed away. Despite almost having no funds at all, we took another train trip to Surabaya. It was the most heartbreaking thing to be greeted with my visibly-shaken Grandfather. Not going to lie, it felt like my whole world came crashing down. What a way to start Ramadan, huh?
But life moved on and I had to look at the bright side. First bright side: I managed to raid my friend Maya’s shelf once again. Second bright side: our office collaborated with TaniHub and Loka Padang for a CSR event/campaign. I was so thrilled to become an integral part of the project! I loved planning every second of it. This was also the month my personal life started to take a soon-to-be permanent change.

June is probably both the best and worst month so far. It started off with Eid holiday, in which I’ve got a week off work. My sister and I used this opportunity to visit the Laut Kita exhibition held by Sejauh Mata Memandang. It was a huge wake up call on plastic pollution. While the day of Eid itself was pretty quiet and uneventful at our home, before we went back to work, I was able to experience an Eid celebration with my office friends at our CEO’s home. It was such a lovely, instagrammable home too!
It was also, obviously, the month when we celebrated my sister’s and brother’s birthdays—our Stepmom was out of town at the time. Towards the middle of the month, however, I had to say goodbye to yet another co-worker that I held dear. Yup, I cried that night too.
Work-wise, I was given the opportunity to design logos for a former uni friend—the result of which I loved! The highlight of the month, I must say, is when I managed to visit Mugidingdong’s house and talked about books with him and his wife for hours. I love instagram friendships like this!

Things started to pick up in July—as it should—for several reasons. July is my second favourite month of the year, due to Firu’s birthday and our anniversary. But now it’s also the month of Plastic Free July. For a while, I posted tips everyday and some plastic-alternative posts on the blog, but I got too busy and burnt out somewhere along the way.
It was also the month I moved on from being an intern to a full-time employee and my newly-acquired interns started working at the office, including my dear friend Iqbal. These are interns that I shared with our Digital Marketer Mawan. He, by the way, is an ENTP—an MBTI opposite to my ISFJ—and we work so well together. Needless, to say, this was also the month our friendship/partnership started to grow.
Romance-wise, Firu and I celebrated our 9th anniversary this year! I’m taking a sobering view of our relationship on the blog. The next day, it was my best friend Gina‘s birthday—the first one after her father died. She was so strong, I had to give a shout out. Despite all the happy moments, I was feeling very burnt out towards the end. I learnt to take breaks and prioritise myself more.

August comes in like a lion—which is appropriate since it’s Leo season. It started out very, very well with a potluck picnic with my whole division and battalion of interns. It was a really thoughtful, beautiful and memorable bonding moment. Everyone brought their own food or drinks to the table and we answered very personal questions that I distributed.
Around a week after that, Mawan and I took our interns out for dinner. Another beautiful bonding moment—especially since there were already 2 new ones since the picnic. Gosh, I love our little family!
Suddenly, Independence Day was upon us. I was part of the event committee—again—but I’m dragging my good friend Agung this time. We organised competitions and tournaments for everyone to take part in. On the blog, I posted another Indonesian-only post—as per my annual tradition. Then it was suddenly time for one of my interns to go, something that will happen more often in the future—better get used to it now.

September somehow felt like the longest month—only because so many exciting things happened this month. It started off with reuniting with my Germany pals Rezy—you might remember him from old posts in 2012 and 2013—and Wilson; separately, mind you. We only got one night but it was really fun while it lasted.
Then Comic Frontier rolled around yet again. To be honest, I didn’t really prepare much for it this time, but also didn’t put too much pressure on it. It was quite fun and I’m glad I did it—for what it’s worth.
Towards the middle of the month I visited the World Press Photo Exhibition and 100% Manusia Film Festival with one of my interns—who, by the way, I had to say farewell to 2 weeks prior. The month closed with COMPFEST, which meant a working Saturday for me and Semasa di Balai Kota—thankfully, I managed to snag time off that Monday.

October was a month of change. It started off with moving office—still the same company, just a different space—and I couldn’t help but to feel absolutely emotional. The new office rocks—no doubt—but it was still sad for me to say goodbye to our old space. The first task I had to do at the new space was the creation of the office’s ID card—which got me really excited! For the whole month, it was slowly taking shape and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
It was also, obviously, my birthday month. It was my first birthday working in an office and I couldn’t feel any more loved. There was cake, chicken wings and, well, being thrown into the office pool. The best birthday week, I must say. This month I also visited, The Bulk Store & Co., another bulk store—but didn’t document it.
Suddenly, Halloween rolled around and I channeled my inner zombie. On the day itself, however, I felt sickly at the office. It was horrible, especially considering what’s coming up next.

If I had to describe November, it is definitely bittersweet. The month started with my first company outing. We went to Yogyakarta together and I loved the experience a lot! There were long hours on the train, jeep rides across the Merapi mountain and ancient ruins from centuries ago. Personally, it felt somewhat bittersweet—for reasons far too personal to share—but I won’t forget it in a hurry, at least.
Soon after, my close friend Agung and I visited this sci-fi-themed exhibition called Instrumenta. It was so eerie and some of the exhibits were hard to swallow. Around the middle of the month, I shared some of my zero-waste office essentials. I probably wouldn’t survive a day at the office without them.
The end of the month was extremely bittersweet. Mawan, my office partner-in-crime, was promoted. Iqbal, my long-time friend and intern, decided to leave. My mentor and supervisor, Mas Indra, informed us of his resignation at the office. Suddenly, it was like the ground was pulled away from beneath our feet.

I don’t know how to describe December. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The month started with a garage sale held by Sadari Sedari at a city park and a trip to Naked Inc., yet another bulk store in Jakarta. It also started with exhibitions, such as Prihal: Arsitektur andramatin and Seek-A-Seek. They were both very awe inspiring, I love them!
Unfortunately, I have a tragic story to share: Firu and I have ended our 9-year relationship this month. The details I cannot share with everyone, of course, but it is my hope that we keep things on good terms.
Though it may seem far too fast for everyone else, a new relationship bloomed this month too—here is where I low-key announced it. The year closed with a trip to Cirebon, where I get to reunite with my old friend Zahra—I’ll share photos soon!
Nothing that happened this year was something I foresaw at all. I never thought my friend would face the death of a loved one so quickly into the new year. I didn’t expect to be able to meet up with online friends from a different continent. I never imagined I could hold an office event as an intern. I’d never believe my grandmother would die so suddenly. Never did I expect to lead a herd of interns, especially since I freshly graduated from internship myself.
Above all, it would have been crazy to me at the start of 2019 to imagine the love and relationship I’ve nurtured with Firu for 9 years would end by the end of it. How do you place a year like that? If I absolutely had to describe it, like I did with all the previous ones, I think the perfect word would be: unpredictable. It’s so ironic that it’s the same word I would use to describe Firu—not his real name, FYI, so I technically can’t call him that anymore—and yet, this is the year we no longer hold on. Let’s see what the scoreboard has to say:
1. Be proactive in my internship ✓
It’s safe to say that this is definitely job well done. Not only was I proactive, I think I also perform well enough to become a full-time employee rather quickly. It put me on a career path that I never thought I would be on—partially thanks to my partner-in-crime, really—but one that I absolutely love right now.
2. Make headway on my 30 Before 30 goals ✓
Yes, I believe I’m doing rather well on this front too. The list may not be done just yet—I’ve still got three more years, after all—but it’s been on the forefront of my mind. This year I managed to tick off 9 items on the list. I’m thrilled to tick the rest!
3. Read more quality over quantity ✓
This is my way of saying I haven’t been reading much this year at all. However, I do believe I’ve been reading more non-fiction books that will actually affect my life. Currently, I am reading this great book called The Power of Habit and I’m mind-blown by every page.
4. Support and always improve communication with Firu ♥
This one is a heartbreaking development. If I could, I wish I didn’t have to feel like it was necessary—but it was and is. At the very least, I hope we could stay good friends. But that is no longer up to me.
5. Always remember to rest when needed ✓
I suppose I did well on this front. At least in July I did. However, I did push myself too hard one time and fell ill. There’s always room for improvement, as they say. Here’s looking at 2020 in the eye:
- Graduate and get my bachelor’s degree
- Keep committed to living a low impact lifestyle
- Travel somewhere new
- Maintain a great relationship with my loved ones
- Move forward
At this point in my life, I learn to plan enough and leave room for spontaneity. 2020 will be no different. How about you?
At the beginning of 2019, I posted a recap of 2018 with the title The Wheel Starts Turning. There is a certain symbolism in that which reminds me of Narnia’s The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. My life in the past few years felt eerily similar to the eternal winter of The White Witch, and only recently—in 2018—did spring seem to arrive.
I’ve never imagined that I would once again feel a sense of belonging in the faces of strangers—like I used to feel back in 2012 and 2013. I thought finding one’s place is a luxury and indulgence of youth—something I believe I no longer have—but, somehow, my roots start to grow into this warm soil.
Change is just part of everyday life these days, that I’ve got no choice but to embrace it. Some changes are easier to swallow than others, and this year is chock full of them. But, hey, this is my life, not a lack thereof; there’s not much else to do, but to live it.

December of 2018 and this January were the most heartbreaking months for a lot of my loved ones. They were the months when several fathers of my friends passed away. While it has obviously been painful for them, it has allowed me to meet up with Iva—and the boys—first thing this year. After New Year’s it was pretty chill, somehow. I’ve got my annual haircut—which has become a sort of tradition lately. I also got to celebrate this blog’s 7th anniversary with a walk down memory lane.
Continuing from last year, I was still interning at my best friend Gina’s office, while still going to class regularly. Although undocumented, I was able to share about zero-waste lifestyle at work and it was very well received—so much so that I was to be remembered as the anti-plastic advocate.
On social media, this was the year I decided to start planning my grid on instagram—such a game-changer! Somehow, January became yet another exhausting month—not unlike last year, but without the beautiful ending.

February was the month I officially became a full-time intern. It is also a month filled with so many creative activities. The month started off with the Hourly Comic Day—which I could finally participate in! Then there was also the Lemari Bukubuku event I attended—as an illustrator. I’ve always wanted to join in, so this was such a highlight of the month. The event has allowed me to meet some of my favourite illustrators for the first time, including Komik Rukii and Mbak Nana. Everyone was so fun and kind, I can’t wait for the next one! On my way home, I managed to snatch some books from my best friend Uli’s shelf.
For Valentine’s Day, the office I worked in released a video campaign that we shot at Gina’s house. It was a really unique experience and I really love how it turned out.
Towards the end of the month, as I was joining Comic Frontier again, I had the opportunity of working with Gogoprint Indonesia. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a smooth-sailing collaboration. The event was also a bit of a disappointment somehow.

March was insanely eventful—and bittersweet. Oh boy, where do I even start? The month started with a pleasant first-time meeting with the lovely ladies from Tisseuses d’idées. We first communicated through instagram and quickly bonded over our passion for ethical fashion. We had a nice meal at Loka Padang, hung out a bit at Gelato Secrets—both being eco-friendly places to eat—and visited Imaji Studio‘s headquarter. It was an absolute ball!
Meanwhile, things at the office were picking up speed as a product-launching event was underway. The event was held towards the middle of the month and it was so exhausting—yet, for me, so rewarding. In the last 48 hours before the event ended, I only slept for 30 minutes—and got rained on at 5am! Sad news ensued, as the event marked the end of employment for two of my favourite co-workers. You best bet I cried a lot that night.
Towards the end of the month, my sister and I finally visited Saruga Packfree Store near where we live. It’s the first zero-waste store I’ve ever been to!

April started with bad news from my relatives: my beloved Grandmother was hospitalised. Our whole family quickly took the train to Surabaya. She was put in a comma for treatment and holed in at the ICU for intensive care. We took turns going in to see her and prayed for her.
Unfortunately, real life had to continue and I had an internal event to run—the first one I was in-charge with! With a snazzy name—courtesy of my good friend Agung—”From Trash to Cash,” my friend Dinda and I managed to get our colleagues to an abandoned field littered with trash and clean up a little bit. The trash talk continues later that month with my thorough guide of waste sorting in Indonesia—a topic I’ve been dying to discuss.
At the office, however, I still had another event to run: our company’s 4th anniversary. It was so stressful! April left me feeling very high strung and stressed out somehow. Then May came around.

May was the strangest month in a way that I can’t quite explain. The month started out quite peacefully with an outfit swap party held by Tukar Baju—which my sister and I visited. But it went downhill from there.
If I thought April started out badly, May was a doozy. My Grandmother ended up not making it and passed away. Despite almost having no funds at all, we took another train trip to Surabaya. It was the most heartbreaking thing to be greeted with my visibly-shaken Grandfather. Not going to lie, it felt like my whole world came crashing down. What a way to start Ramadan, huh?
But life moved on and I had to look at the bright side. First bright side: I managed to raid my friend Maya’s shelf once again. Second bright side: our office collaborated with TaniHub and Loka Padang for a CSR event/campaign. I was so thrilled to become an integral part of the project! I loved planning every second of it. This was also the month my personal life started to take a soon-to-be permanent change.

June is probably both the best and worst month so far. It started off with Eid holiday, in which I’ve got a week off work. My sister and I used this opportunity to visit the Laut Kita exhibition held by Sejauh Mata Memandang. It was a huge wake up call on plastic pollution. While the day of Eid itself was pretty quiet and uneventful at our home, before we went back to work, I was able to experience an Eid celebration with my office friends at our CEO’s home. It was such a lovely, instagrammable home too!
It was also, obviously, the month when we celebrated my sister’s and brother’s birthdays—our Stepmom was out of town at the time. Towards the middle of the month, however, I had to say goodbye to yet another co-worker that I held dear. Yup, I cried that night too.
Work-wise, I was given the opportunity to design logos for a former uni friend—the result of which I loved! The highlight of the month, I must say, is when I managed to visit Mugidingdong’s house and talked about books with him and his wife for hours. I love instagram friendships like this!

Things started to pick up in July—as it should—for several reasons. July is my second favourite month of the year, due to Firu’s birthday and our anniversary. But now it’s also the month of Plastic Free July. For a while, I posted tips everyday and some plastic-alternative posts on the blog, but I got too busy and burnt out somewhere along the way.
It was also the month I moved on from being an intern to a full-time employee and my newly-acquired interns started working at the office, including my dear friend Iqbal. These are interns that I shared with our Digital Marketer Mawan. He, by the way, is an ENTP—an MBTI opposite to my ISFJ—and we work so well together. Needless, to say, this was also the month our friendship/partnership started to grow.
Romance-wise, Firu and I celebrated our 9th anniversary this year! I’m taking a sobering view of our relationship on the blog. The next day, it was my best friend Gina‘s birthday—the first one after her father died. She was so strong, I had to give a shout out. Despite all the happy moments, I was feeling very burnt out towards the end. I learnt to take breaks and prioritise myself more.

August comes in like a lion—which is appropriate since it’s Leo season. It started out very, very well with a potluck picnic with my whole division and battalion of interns. It was a really thoughtful, beautiful and memorable bonding moment. Everyone brought their own food or drinks to the table and we answered very personal questions that I distributed.
Around a week after that, Mawan and I took our interns out for dinner. Another beautiful bonding moment—especially since there were already 2 new ones since the picnic. Gosh, I love our little family!
Suddenly, Independence Day was upon us. I was part of the event committee—again—but I’m dragging my good friend Agung this time. We organised competitions and tournaments for everyone to take part in. On the blog, I posted another Indonesian-only post—as per my annual tradition. Then it was suddenly time for one of my interns to go, something that will happen more often in the future—better get used to it now.

September somehow felt like the longest month—only because so many exciting things happened this month. It started off with reuniting with my Germany pals Rezy—you might remember him from old posts in 2012 and 2013—and Wilson; separately, mind you. We only got one night but it was really fun while it lasted.
Then Comic Frontier rolled around yet again. To be honest, I didn’t really prepare much for it this time, but also didn’t put too much pressure on it. It was quite fun and I’m glad I did it—for what it’s worth.
Towards the middle of the month I visited the World Press Photo Exhibition and 100% Manusia Film Festival with one of my interns—who, by the way, I had to say farewell to 2 weeks prior. The month closed with COMPFEST, which meant a working Saturday for me and Semasa di Balai Kota—thankfully, I managed to snag time off that Monday.

October was a month of change. It started off with moving office—still the same company, just a different space—and I couldn’t help but to feel absolutely emotional. The new office rocks—no doubt—but it was still sad for me to say goodbye to our old space. The first task I had to do at the new space was the creation of the office’s ID card—which got me really excited! For the whole month, it was slowly taking shape and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
It was also, obviously, my birthday month. It was my first birthday working in an office and I couldn’t feel any more loved. There was cake, chicken wings and, well, being thrown into the office pool. The best birthday week, I must say. This month I also visited, The Bulk Store & Co., another bulk store—but didn’t document it.
Suddenly, Halloween rolled around and I channeled my inner zombie. On the day itself, however, I felt sickly at the office. It was horrible, especially considering what’s coming up next.

If I had to describe November, it is definitely bittersweet. The month started with my first company outing. We went to Yogyakarta together and I loved the experience a lot! There were long hours on the train, jeep rides across the Merapi mountain and ancient ruins from centuries ago. Personally, it felt somewhat bittersweet—for reasons far too personal to share—but I won’t forget it in a hurry, at least.
Soon after, my close friend Agung and I visited this sci-fi-themed exhibition called Instrumenta. It was so eerie and some of the exhibits were hard to swallow. Around the middle of the month, I shared some of my zero-waste office essentials. I probably wouldn’t survive a day at the office without them.
The end of the month was extremely bittersweet. Mawan, my office partner-in-crime, was promoted. Iqbal, my long-time friend and intern, decided to leave. My mentor and supervisor, Mas Indra, informed us of his resignation at the office. Suddenly, it was like the ground was pulled away from beneath our feet.

I don’t know how to describe December. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The month started with a garage sale held by Sadari Sedari at a city park and a trip to Naked Inc., yet another bulk store in Jakarta. It also started with exhibitions, such as Prihal: Arsitektur andramatin and Seek-A-Seek. They were both very awe inspiring, I love them!
Unfortunately, I have a tragic story to share: Firu and I have ended our 9-year relationship this month. The details I cannot share with everyone, of course, but it is my hope that we keep things on good terms.
Though it may seem far too fast for everyone else, a new relationship bloomed this month too—here is where I low-key announced it. The year closed with a trip to Cirebon, where I get to reunite with my old friend Zahra—I’ll share photos soon!
Nothing that happened this year was something I foresaw at all. I never thought my friend would face the death of a loved one so quickly into the new year. I didn’t expect to be able to meet up with online friends from a different continent. I never imagined I could hold an office event as an intern. I’d never believe my grandmother would die so suddenly. Never did I expect to lead a herd of interns, especially since I freshly graduated from internship myself.
Above all, it would have been crazy to me at the start of 2019 to imagine the love and relationship I’ve nurtured with Firu for 9 years would end by the end of it. How do you place a year like that? If I absolutely had to describe it, like I did with all the previous ones, I think the perfect word would be: unpredictable. It’s so ironic that it’s the same word I would use to describe Firu—not his real name, FYI, so I technically can’t call him that anymore—and yet, this is the year we no longer hold on. Let’s see what the scoreboard has to say:
1. Be proactive in my internship ✓
It’s safe to say that this is definitely job well done. Not only was I proactive, I think I also perform well enough to become a full-time employee rather quickly. It put me on a career path that I never thought I would be on—partially thanks to my partner-in-crime, really—but one that I absolutely love right now.
2. Make headway on my 30 Before 30 goals ✓
Yes, I believe I’m doing rather well on this front too. The list may not be done just yet—I’ve still got three more years, after all—but it’s been on the forefront of my mind. This year I managed to tick off 9 items on the list. I’m thrilled to tick the rest!
3. Read more quality over quantity ✓
This is my way of saying I haven’t been reading much this year at all. However, I do believe I’ve been reading more non-fiction books that will actually affect my life. Currently, I am reading this great book called The Power of Habit and I’m mind-blown by every page.
4. Support and always improve communication with Firu ♥
This one is a heartbreaking development. If I could, I wish I didn’t have to feel like it was necessary—but it was and is. At the very least, I hope we could stay good friends. But that is no longer up to me.
5. Always remember to rest when needed ✓
I suppose I did well on this front. At least in July I did. However, I did push myself too hard one time and fell ill. There’s always room for improvement, as they say. Here’s looking at 2020 in the eye:
- Graduate and get my bachelor’s degree
- Keep committed to living a low impact lifestyle
- Travel somewhere new
- Maintain a great relationship with my loved ones
- Move forward