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POPCORN: School of Life (2005)
25 May 2012
Do you know what genre never dies — and I hope never will? School life. Generation…

Healthy Kassel Long Weekend
22 May 2012
Last Thursday was the Ascension. Here in Germany, it’s a holiday. Since I was just…

POPCORN: Big Fish (2003)
18 May 2012
Art films. Had my sister not learnt that term in college, I would probably never have…

POPCORN: Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day (2008)
11 May 2012
Although the Americans and the British…

POPCORN: Jeux d’enfants (2003)
4 May 2012
French may be the most beloved language of most women or romantics, not because…

POPCORN: Låt den rätte komma in (2008)
27 April 2012
Vampire is a widely popular theme these…

Classic Thuringia
11 April 2012
The weather in Nordhausen was very, very indecisive. On Saturday, I was pretty much trapped in Fiwo’s and Iqbal’s house with Ryan. We could just see the weather outside changing faster than…

Visiting Pompeii
5 April 2012
Is today the best day or what? So glad, ever so much, that Herr Borschers and Frau Wolter had arranged for us to have this lovely field trip today…