Woohoo! It’s officially my birthday month! Do bear with me as I milk the hell out of this month—and what better way to start than with the list? As you may know, I’ve been making lists of goals for my birthday for ages. Usually, it’s an annual occasion, until in 2018 I decided to go big and make a 30 Before 30 List. Since then, I just update how much of the list I have accomplished so far every year. However, 2018 for me now feels like such a long time ago. So many profound, life-altering things have happened since then and I can no longer relate to the version of me from back then.
Her wishes and goals no longer resonate with mine of today—at least partially. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while: do I really want to fulfil goals and wishes that I don’t care about anymore? So I thought today I finally take apart the list I once made and redirect the goals to actually reflect what I want to accomplish in life. If you’re curious, feel free to look at what I decided to keep and discard from this list.
1. Graduate with a bachelor’s degree ✔︎
Since I finally accomplished this last year, I’d be crazy to take this off the list—especially since it’s something I’d wanted to achieve for a very long time. I’ll talk more in detail on what I learn from the experience, possibly on my 30th birthday. For now, let’s just leave it at how proud I am for finally being able to check this off my bucket list.
2. Visit one new island in Indonesia Learn more about Indonesia
Although I’d still love to explore this archipelago and venture outside this island—something I’d been meaning to do for the past two years—it’s crazy to give this goal a deadline. I don’t see why I can’t do this in my 30s and still have a ball of a time. Needless to say, this isn’t top priority right now. Instead, I’d love to get to know this beautiful country more.
Back in 2019, I read Indonesia Etc. which made me realise how little I know about the people in this nation—we’re just a diverse mix of numerous cultures and traditions. I think I’ve done this pretty well so far, but I’d still like to learn more.
3. Visit one new country Declutter my belongings
Another one that feels a bit stupid to put a deadline on. Also, thanks to the pandemic, it is now harder than ever to explore another country, and I’m not about to stress myself over it just to check something off a list. I’ll probably go abroad again, I probably won’t. It’s kind of funny how of little thought I give this goal now.
To replace that, I thought I’d declutter my belongings instead. You will see later on down this list that I will mention my wardrobe, but here I actually mean other forms of belongings of mine—such as books, food, containers, etc. I believe strongly in the saying, “Tidy room, tidy mind,” and I’d like to have that in my life, so here’s to that.
4. Be financially stable ✔︎
Not to boast, but I am very happy to say that I’ve achieved this one too. For years, working freelance, I’d never imagined I would see the day when I would be working in a field that I love for enough money to keep me going—and provide for my family too! Let’s not mistake this for financial freedom, mind you—if I stop working today, I won’t get by another month—but it’s a great place to start, so I’m not complaining.
5. Go to Japan Finish a Japanese book
To be honest, this one is a bit heartbreaking to discard. As you know, going to Japan has been my lifelong dream. A lot of my friends have gone there and even done so multiple times, but I have yet to do it once. Alas, I don’t think I’d be able to make it before I turn 30.
But that’s okay, in the meantime, I would like to actually finish a Japanese book in its original language. Not a manga, no, hopefully an actual novel. I tried this for a while I think 2-3 years ago, but didn’t manage to accomplish it. It’s so much harder than I thought, but only the first chapter was enough to teach me more kanjis than I already knew, so imagine what a whole book will do.
6. Actually read 50 books a year ✔︎
Back in 2018, I’ve accomplished this goal already. Although since then I haven’t done it as a regularity, I also no longer feel like the quantity of books speak for the quality of your reading—which is what I’m focusing more on now. That being said, this is a goal checked, so I’m not going to replace it.
7. Become a published author
Okay, so I’ve got a big project coming up that will finally make this dream come true. You may know my thesis project from last year is a book—and I’ll be publishing it soon! No, it won’t be a major thing—it’s pretty much self-published—but I’m still so excited for it, and I hope you will all be too. Please follow along on my Instagram to know when you can pre-order.
8. Learn about taxes ✔︎
Done and done! At least to the degree that I need to care about it. Now that I’m working at an office, they practically take care of the whole thing for me (lol). I don’t know, though, maybe I’ll need to learn more about it if and when I start making significant income outside of the office again. Well, it’s always a work in progress.
9. Go back to Germany Experiment with local produce
Haha yeah, remember what I said about this goal? It turns out all that burning desire was fuelled mostly by my previous relationship, which has since ended. Afterwards, it makes no difference to me whether I go back to Germany or not. Funny how life works out that way, eh?
Well, anyway, now I would much rather get in touch with my roots and actually glorify Indonesia’s native produce. Inspired by Ahmad Arif, my new favourite local author, I want to find out more about the age-old produce we have here in Indonesia and experiment around with them. So far, I’ve only been trying one thing with sorghum and sapodilla, which I love. But I’d love to do more with other ingredients.
10. Get back to my ideal weight Keep healthy habits
While I do still want to go back to my ideal weight, I start to feel like maybe I won’t ever get there again—or, at the very least, not before I hit the big 3 0. However, lately I’ve had a wake-up call in the form of health problems that required two surgeries being done. It reminded me how much I took my health for granted, which is why I’d love to keep some form of healthy habit—both in eating and working out—to maybe get as far away from any chronic diseases as I possibly can. If I get back to my ideal weight in the process, well, that’s just a bonus!
But I still very much want to do it.
12. Learn a new craft ✔︎
Not going to lie, this is definitely one of those goals I put in just for the sake of having a goal. Sad, I know, which is why I’m changing what it means. If before I meant “craft” in the form of handicrafts, now I redefine this goal to mean any new skills that may be beneficial to me in any way.
And—guess what?—I’ve achieved this as well, through my main job. I learnt a lot from this office it’s insane—also, can’t believe I’ve only been here a year?!?? I’ll give the details on my 30th birthday, yea?
13. Build my (portfolio) website ✔︎
Okay, this is technically done, I just need to tweak a few more things. My hope is to launch this website on my birthday, but we shall see. Fingers crossed!
14. Join an exhibition Keep in contact with people & friends
As I am no longer intent on pursuing art & illustration as a career, this goal no longer applies. I mean, I would still love to be part of an exhibition, but I’m not aiming for it anymore. I’m okay with only making illustrations for myself—and whatever seasonal clients come my way.
More than that, I’d rather cherish the connection I’ve accumulated throughout the years, be curious about their lives and supporting them. Before, I already spoke about the state of friendships at my current age and how few friends I still keep, which is why it’s all the more important to really hold on to them. Not only friends, but also other people I had got to know over the years—through this blog and social media. I’d love it if they stay.
15. Live debt-free ✔︎
This kind of comes and goes. For the most part, though, I’m pretty good with keeping my credit card bills cleared off—except for the monthly subscriptions and/or donations, as I’ve mentioned before. I see myself having to live in debt again in the future, though, if I decide to purchase a house or something.
16. Work in an office ✔︎
Not only have I worked in an office, I’ve worked in two so far! They’ve both been pretty different from each other, but they’ve had their fun times. My current office, though, is so much more than I had expected it to be. And yes, I was right: working in an office is so different from working freelance.
17. Learn to grow my own food
This is still something I want to do. I’ve always loved the idea of growing my own food. It cuts down on so many carbon footprints. In the past, though, I’ve tried my hand at gardening and, I must say, it was disappointing. However, maybe this time I can do research on which plant will be the easiest to nurture. Keep your eyes peeled for my efforts, hopefully.
18. Live more intentionally
Whoops, if I’d wondered what happened on number 10, maybe this is the reason. But, damn, living intentionally is hard as f*ck. It lies in the need to have intent, and to have one 24/7 is close to impossible. I mean, there must be days when you just want to give it all up and let some other force take the wheel—same here, really. But I will do better. I don’t want to regret my decisions.
19. Make an actual investment ✔︎
It’s not big, but yes I’ve invested on some stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Very little league, nothing grand. For a while I thought I should’ve done better on this—you know, invest in something bigger, take bigger risks—but then I had a chat with my best friend Uli. It turns out, she believes that this whole investing thing is a trend, and we’ll be fine without any such investments. I totally agree with her now. I’d rather put my eggs on various baskets and see what they hatch into.
20. Move out of my parents’ house Build a home with my partner
Yes, ideally, I’d love to move out my parents’ house, but have you seen how much houses go for these days? It would be unwise to move out of a house you already own to go into debt on another house. What would be the point?
This is a fact a lot of people pointed out to me, and I realise they’re right. Instead, I’d love to make any house or space that I live in a home that I can share with my partner and future family—and I really don’t see myself moving out before I get married, to say the least. It’s not about where you are, after all, but who you’re with.
21. Get a full body check up or blood test
Yes, yes and yes, still want to do this. Preferably before I get married, whenever that may be.
22. Get a pension and emergency fund plan ✔︎
Although I have yet to have a set plan in place, I’ve got some money rolling for a rainy day. We shall see how this truly pans out in the future.
23. Learn how to compost properly
I haven’t tried it yet, but I will definitely give it a go.
24. Upgrade my tools ✔︎
Early 2020, before I was due to start on my thesis project, Agung took me to upgrade my laptop’s RAM and internal harddisk. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. That’s as far as an upgrade I’ve got for now, but I’d also like to upgrade my camera or lens or pen tablet sometime. I don’t know, we shall see, I suppose. Watch this space!
25. Hang out at the beach Try going to a psychologist once
Here’s another goal that was there just for the sake of being there, so let’s just scratch this one. If I never go to the beach, it wouldn’t be the end of my life. On a more profound note, lately I’ve been noticing the inner workings of my psyche. Sometimes I can acknowledge just how toxic my patterns can be, but sometimes I’m fine enough to function like a normal human being. This is why I thought I should try therapy at least once. Maybe then I could find out exactly what childhood trauma stuck with me this whole time.
26. Meet new online friends ✔︎
Done, done and done, so not changing this one.
27. Visit a conservation centre Discover more places & experiences
Truth be told, I had this plan 2 years ago to visit a conservation centre across the pond in Sumatra. My friend Wira inspired me and we kind of planned it for months. However, for one reason or another—one being my life was falling apart by my own hands—we never got to go.
And then the pandemic came along. Needless to say, that plan was put on hold forever. I don’t know if this would ever happen, but I know it probably won’t happen before my 30th birthday. So I thought I’d broaden that goal into something more general and open to any kind of possibilities—and here we are. It’s a goal I’ve always had and will keep having until the day I die, so it’s perfect.
28. Downsize my wardrobe ✔︎
Yes, I talked about decluttering earlier on, huh? But this was the original goal and one that I’ve accomplished. And yes, I’ve accomplished this too. What I learnt, however, is that downsizing your wardrobe is definitely not a one-time thing. In fact, it is ideal to be done over and over again, which ends up being a habit of mine now. It definitely makes me feel so much better afterwards, always.
29. Learn more about Islam
Religion has become a lot more complicated and nuanced for me today than it was when I first wrote down this list. For a while, I was contemplating scratching this off the list entirely, but I now believe I want it still. Probably not in the same sense as 3 years ago, but still along the same line. We’ll see if I pull through.
30. Get married
Obviously, this will always be a goal of mine until it happens. Whether or not it happens before my 30th birthday is beside the point, though, as I am really happy in the relationship I am in right now. To get married is just a reason to be with him forever.
Thank you for sticking around and supporting me to reach these goals. Hope you’ll reach yours too!
Woohoo! It’s officially my birthday month! Do bear with me as I milk the hell out of this month—and what better way to start than with the list? As you may know, I’ve been making lists of goals for my birthday for ages. Usually, it’s an annual occasion, until in 2018 I decided to go big and make a 30 Before 30 List.
Since then, I just update how much of the list I have accomplished so far every year. However, 2018 for me now feels like such a long time ago. So many profound, life-altering things have happened since then and I can no longer relate to the version of me from back then.
Her wishes and goals no longer resonate with mine of today—at least partially. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while: do I really want to fulfil goals and wishes that I don’t care about anymore?
So I thought today I finally take apart the list I once made and redirect the goals to actually reflect what I want to accomplish in life. If you’re curious, feel free to look at what I decided to keep and discard from this list.
1. Graduate with a bachelor’s degree ✔︎
Since I finally accomplished this last year, I’d be crazy to take this off the list—especially since it’s something I’d wanted to achieve for a very long time.
I’ll talk more in detail on what I learn from the experience, possibly on my 30th birthday. For now, let’s just leave it at how proud I am for finally being able to check this off my bucket list.
2. Visit one new island in Indonesia Learn more about Indonesia
Although I’d still love to explore this archipelago and venture outside this island—something I’d been meaning to do for the past two years—it’s crazy to give this goal a deadline.
I don’t see why I can’t do this in my 30s and still have a ball of a time. Needless to say, this isn’t top priority right now. Instead, I’d love to get to know this beautiful country more.
Back in 2019, I read Indonesia Etc. which made me realise how little I know about the people in this nation—we’re just a diverse mix of numerous cultures and traditions. I think I’ve done this pretty well so far, but I’d still like to learn more.
3. Visit one new country Declutter my belongings
Another one that feels a bit stupid to put a deadline on. Also, thanks to the pandemic, it is now harder than ever to explore another country, and I’m not about to stress myself over it just to check something off a list.
I’ll probably go abroad again, I probably won’t. It’s kind of funny how of little thought I give this goal now.
To replace that, I thought I’d declutter my belongings instead. You will see later on down this list that I will mention my wardrobe, but here I actually mean other forms of belongings of mine—such as books, food, containers, etc.
I believe strongly in the saying, “Tidy room, tidy mind,” and I’d like to have that in my life, so here’s to that.
4. Be financially stable ✔︎
Not to boast, but I am very happy to say that I’ve achieved this one too. For years, working freelance, I’d never imagined I would see the day when I would be working in a field that I love for enough money to keep me going—and provide for my family too!
Let’s not mistake this for financial freedom, mind you—if I stop working today, I won’t get by another month—but it’s a great place to start, so I’m not complaining.
5. Go to Japan Finish a Japanese book
To be honest, this one is a bit heartbreaking to discard. As you know, going to Japan has been my lifelong dream.
A lot of my friends have gone there and even done so multiple times, but I have yet to do it once. Alas, I don’t think I’d be able to make it before I turn 30.
But that’s okay, in the meantime, I would like to actually finish a Japanese book in its original language. Not a manga, no, hopefully an actual novel. I tried this for a while I think 2-3 years ago, but didn’t manage to accomplish it.
It’s so much harder than I thought, but only the first chapter was enough to teach me more kanjis than I already knew, so imagine what a whole book will do.
6. Actually read 50 books a year ✔︎
Back in 2018, I’ve accomplished this goal already. Although since then I haven’t done it as a regularity, I also no longer feel like the quantity of books speak for the quality of your reading—which is what I’m focusing more on now. That being said, this is a goal checked, so I’m not going to replace it.
7. Become a published author
Okay, so I’ve got a big project coming up that will finally make this dream come true. You may know my thesis project from last year is a book—and I’ll be publishing it soon!
No, it won’t be a major thing—it’s pretty much self-published—but I’m still so excited for it, and I hope you will all be too. Please follow along on my Instagram to know when you can pre-order.
8. Learn about taxes ✔︎
Done and done! At least to the degree that I need to care about it. Now that I’m working at an office, they practically take care of the whole thing for me (lol). I don’t know, though, maybe I’ll need to learn more about it if and when I start making significant income outside of the office again. Well, it’s always a work in progress.
9. Go back to Germany Experiment with local produce
Haha yeah, remember what I said about this goal? It turns out all that burning desire was fuelled mostly by my previous relationship, which has since ended. Afterwards, it makes no difference to me whether I go back to Germany or not. Funny how life works out that way, eh?
Well, anyway, now I would much rather get in touch with my roots and actually glorify Indonesia’s native produce. Inspired by Ahmad Arif, my new favourite local author, I want to find out more about the age-old produce we have here in Indonesia and experiment around with them.
So far, I’ve only been trying one thing with sorghum and sapodilla, which I love. But I’d love to do more with other ingredients.
10. Get back to my ideal weight Keep healthy habits
While I do still want to go back to my ideal weight, I start to feel like maybe I won’t ever get there again—or, at the very least, not before I hit the big 3 0. However, lately I’ve had a wake-up call in the form of health problems that required two surgeries being done.
It reminded me how much I took my health for granted, which is why I’d love to keep some form of healthy habit—both in eating and working out—to maybe get as far away from any chronic diseases as I possibly can. If I get back to my ideal weight in the process, well, that’s just a bonus!
But I still very much want to do it.
12. Learn a new craft ✔︎
Not going to lie, this is definitely one of those goals I put in just for the sake of having a goal. Sad, I know, which is why I’m changing what it means.
If before I meant “craft” in the form of handicrafts, now I redefine this goal to mean any new skills that may be beneficial to me in any way.
And—guess what?—I’ve achieved this as well, through my main job. I learnt a lot from this office it’s insane—also, can’t believe I’ve only been here a year?!?? I’ll give the details on my 30th birthday, yea?
13. Build my (portfolio) website ✔︎
Okay, this is technically done, I just need to tweak a few more things. My hope is to launch this website on my birthday, but we shall see. Fingers crossed!
14. Join an exhibition Keep in contact with people & friends
As I am no longer intent on pursuing art & illustration as a career, this goal no longer applies. I mean, I would still love to be part of an exhibition, but I’m not aiming for it anymore. I’m okay with only making illustrations for myself—and whatever seasonal clients come my way.
More than that, I’d rather cherish the connection I’ve accumulated throughout the years, be curious about their lives and supporting them. Before, I already spoke about the state of friendships at my current age and how few friends I still keep, which is why it’s all the more important to really hold on to them.
Not only friends, but also other people I had got to know over the years—through this blog and social media. I’d love it if they stay.
15. Live debt-free ✔︎
This kind of comes and goes. For the most part, though, I’m pretty good with keeping my credit card bills cleared off—except for the monthly subscriptions and/or donations, as I’ve mentioned before. I see myself having to live in debt again in the future, though, if I decide to purchase a house or something.
16. Work in an office ✔︎
Not only have I worked in an office, I’ve worked in two so far! They’ve both been pretty different from each other, but they’ve had their fun times.
My current office, though, is so much more than I had expected it to be. And yes, I was right: working in an office is so different from working freelance.
17. Learn to grow my own food
This is still something I want to do. I’ve always loved the idea of growing my own food. It cuts down on so many carbon footprints. In the past, though, I’ve tried my hand at gardening and, I must say, it was disappointing.
However, maybe this time I can do research on which plant will be the easiest to nurture. Keep your eyes peeled for my efforts, hopefully.
18. Live more intentionally
Whoops, if I’d wondered what happened on number 10, maybe this is the reason. But, damn, living intentionally is hard as f*ck. It lies in the need to have intent, and to have one 24/7 is close to impossible.
I mean, there must be days when you just want to give it all up and let some other force take the wheel—same here, really. But I will do better. I don’t want to regret my decisions.
19. Make an actual investment ✔︎
It’s not big, but yes I’ve invested on some stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Very little league, nothing grand. For a while I thought I should’ve done better on this—you know, invest in something bigger, take bigger risks—but then I had a chat with my best friend Uli.
It turns out, she believes that this whole investing thing is a trend, and we’ll be fine without any such investments. I totally agree with her now. I’d rather put my eggs on various baskets and see what they hatch into.
20. Move out of my parents’ house Build a home with my partner
Yes, ideally, I’d love to move out my parents’ house, but have you seen how much houses go for these days? It would be unwise to move out of a house you already own to go into debt on another house. What would be the point?
This is a fact a lot of people pointed out to me, and I realise they’re right. Instead, I’d love to make any house or space that I live in a home that I can share with my partner and future family—and I really don’t see myself moving out before I get married, to say the least. It’s not about where you are, after all, but who you’re with.
21. Get a full body check up or blood test
Yes, yes and yes, still want to do this. Preferably before I get married, whenever that may be.
22. Get a pension and emergency fund plan ✔︎
Although I have yet to have a set plan in place, I’ve got some money rolling for a rainy day. We shall see how this truly pans out in the future.
23. Learn how to compost properly
I haven’t tried it yet, but I will definitely give it a go.
24. Upgrade my tools ✔︎
Early 2020, before I was due to start on my thesis project, Agung took me to upgrade my laptop’s RAM and internal harddisk. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
That’s as far as an upgrade I’ve got for now, but I’d also like to upgrade my camera or lens or pen tablet sometime. I don’t know, we shall see, I suppose. Watch this space!
25. Hang out at the beach Try going to a psychologist once
Here’s another goal that was there just for the sake of being there, so let’s just scratch this one. If I never go to the beach, it wouldn’t be the end of my life. On a more profound note, lately I’ve been noticing the inner workings of my psyche.
Sometimes I can acknowledge just how toxic my patterns can be, but sometimes I’m fine enough to function like a normal human being. This is why I thought I should try therapy at least once. Maybe then I could find out exactly what childhood trauma stuck with me this whole time.
26. Meet new online friends ✔︎
Done, done and done, so not changing this one.
27. Visit a conservation centre Discover more places & experiences
Truth be told, I had this plan 2 years ago to visit a conservation centre across the pond in Sumatra. My friend Wira inspired me and we kind of planned it for months. However, for one reason or another—one being my life was falling apart by my own hands—we never got to go.
And then the pandemic came along. Needless to say, that plan was put on hold forever. I don’t know if this would ever happen, but I know it probably won’t happen before my 30th birthday.
So I thought I’d broaden that goal into something more general and open to any kind of possibilities—and here we are. It’s a goal I’ve always had and will keep having until the day I die, so it’s perfect.
28. Downsize my wardrobe ✔︎
Yes, I talked about decluttering earlier on, huh? But this was the original goal and one that I’ve accomplished. And yes, I’ve accomplished this too. What I learnt, however, is that downsizing your wardrobe is definitely not a one-time thing.
In fact, it is ideal to be done over and over again, which ends up being a habit of mine now. It definitely makes me feel so much better afterwards, always.
29. Learn more about Islam
Religion has become a lot more complicated and nuanced for me today than it was when I first wrote down this list.
For a while, I was contemplating scratching this off the list entirely, but I now believe I want it still. Probably not in the same sense as 3 years ago, but still along the same line. We’ll see if I pull through.
30. Get married
Obviously, this will always be a goal of mine until it happens. Whether or not it happens before my 30th birthday is beside the point, though, as I am really happy in the relationship I am in right now. To get married is just a reason to be with him forever.