Embracing (in)Sanity
While 2020 is objectively very challenging for us all—with the giant curve ball it threw…
While 2020 is objectively very challenging for us all—with the giant curve ball it threw…
When we first met three years ago, I don’t think we could ever predict this is where…
Hello there, everyone! How are you doing? Life has been pretty hectic for me and Agung this past few weeks, so it’s been kind of tricky and…
Woohoo! It’s officially my birthday month! Do bear with me as I milk the hell out of this…
Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of people talk about impostor syndrome—like Anna Akana, Wong…
Happy International Friendship Day, everyone! Did you know it was today…
While 2020 is objectively very challenging for us all—with the giant curve ball it threw at us and…
I know we’ve all done away with goals and accomplishments the minute 2020 hit us…
In December 2018, equipped with as much knowledge uni could give me, I sought out…
Up until I was 17, everything in my life seemed to be right on track—then I…