Recipes & Culinary

Weekend Noods
Just popping in real quick—with only less than 10 photos!—to let you know of this charming little noodle place in Kramat Pela. It’s called The Weekend Bakmie and Agung and I…

Golden Coffee Hour
Hello, October! It’s been a pretty packed last couple of months, hasn’t it? I thought we’d dial it down to a lowkey chit chat session on this week’s blog…

Viva La VIDA
As per tradition for the last few years, I spent New Year’s at mylove Agung’s place. The beauty of spending NYE with his family is that the routine never stays the same, it just…

31 and Growing
Two days ago was my 31st birthday. It was the first birthday where I don’t have a bucket list to tick off in over a decade—anyone remembers my 30 Before 30 List…

Wabi Sabi ID: The Trio Es Collection
Around a month ago, my dear friend Koletta asked me if Agung and I would…

Noon in the Afternine
Last week Agung and I went to see Europe on Screen. You may know from last year…

#alivegurlmudik: Tunjungan Revamped
After 5 years of not visiting Surabaya properly, my sister and I finally returned last week…

Bread of Dreams
Welcome to June, my second favourite month of the year–second only to my own birthday month! This is the month that holds a lot of promise for me, since—contrary to…

Ube Cookies (Gluten-Free)
Eid Mubarak, everyone! Are you having a feast today? If you’re Indonesians…