Walk Down Antique Street
Welcome back to another episode of “Agung and Bivi Explore Jakarta!” We’ve…
Welcome back to another episode of “Agung and Bivi Explore Jakarta!” We’ve…
Oh gosh, can you believe it’s June already? How quickly does the time fly, indeed. Towards the end of May, I have been on an exploring drive—going to…
Feels like it’s been such a long time since the last time I visited a historical landmark. The last time I was in a museum was last December—and even that’s…
The other day I went on probably the longest journey I’ve ever taken in the city by myself…
Time for another solo museum outing from yours truly. This time my destination was the Textile Museum—located by the…
So, one of my 24 before 25 goals is to explore more historical sites in Jakarta and I have been doing pretty much zero…
October started with bang when Edwin, Wilson, Ratri and I hung out at Kota Tua, which is the old town part of Jakarta. Ratri has just come home from Germany…
Lately, I’ve been in the mood to explore my hometown. As much as I hate the traffic, how the people can be real jerks…
Selamat hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke-71! Semoga kalian rakyat Indonesia di mana pun berada bisa merayakan tanggal 17 kemarin dengan gaya kalian masing-masing ya. Sekarang aku…