First outfit photoshoot of the month! It’s actually been 2 weeks-ish since the last time I snapped some shots of my outfit and a lot has changed. The most apparent of all: I got a…let’s say…less than conventional haircut—inspired by none other than Ruby Moon. It looks really great at times, but really shitty at others. In this case, it’s somewhere in between. These photos were taken when my friend Caro—who I know from uni—and her boyfriend Jeremy met up with me. It’s been months since the last time we saw each other—I dropped out, she did her internship—and we’ve been kind of dying to catch up. Unfortunately, almost nothing went according to plan that day.
Originally, we were going to visit a museum in the city. But Jeremy had a meeting running late, so I decided to go sort something out first—and fell off a motorcycle on the way when it drove into a bush, because the driver fell asleep. The museum turns out to be government property, not open to public, and I ended up running late because I had to fix my tote bag—broken in the accident. In the end, we had only a couple hours—or was it one?—to catch up and snap some shots. It was brutal, but basically means we need to have a proper hangout sometime soon!

Sejauh Mata Memandang scarf (as headband) // thrifted top // hand-me-down purse + sandals // old skirt // photos by Caro + Jeremy
Usually, when a couple goes out with a friend—whether it’s a friend of one of them or a mutual friend—there is a quality of a third wheel amongst them. The most obvious/popular occurrence is that the friend is naturally the third wheel—being left out of the romantic relationship. Often, in my experience, that is not the case. For instance, although Jeremy and Caro are still quite lovey-dovey—even after over 6 months of relationship—Caro and I talked about friends and things that Jeremy wasn’t in on, thus leaving him in the dark. We surely don’t mean for it to be that way, but it just sort of happens, because the dynamic of the relationships between the three of us are completely different.
With me and Firu, it is likewise. There are times when we would hang out with friends—mutual or otherwise—and one of us would be sitting there clueless. In fact, it is rare that the friend is the third wheel, because we try to include them in our interactions as much as possible. I mean, sure, ideally there should be no third wheels—which is what we strive for—but it’s few and far between. I just find it funny that most people would think, when a couple of lovers and a friend hang out, the friend would be a dragged third wheel, while more often than not, they’re perfectly able to balance the bike.
P.S: The highlight of this outfit is the scarf/headband from Sejauh Mata Memandang. Absolutely love being able to support local, slow fashion brands, like this!

First outfit photoshoot of the month! It’s actually been 2 weeks-ish since the last time I snapped some shots of my outfit and a lot has changed. The most apparent of all: I got a…let’s say…less than conventional haircut—inspired by none other than Ruby Moon. It looks really great at times, but really shitty at others. In this case, it’s somewhere in between. These photos were taken when my friend Caro—who I know from uni—and her boyfriend Jeremy met up with me. It’s been months since the last time we saw each other—I dropped out, she did her internship—and we’ve been kind of dying to catch up. Unfortunately, almost nothing went according to plan that day.
Originally, we were going to visit a museum in the city. But Jeremy had a meeting running late, so I decided to go sort something out first—and fell off a motorcycle on the way when it drove into a bush, because the driver fell asleep. The museum turns out to be government property, not open to public, and I ended up running late because I had to fix my tote bag—broken in the accident. In the end, we had only a couple hours—or was it one?—to catch up and snap some shots. It was brutal, but basically means we need to have a proper hangout sometime soon!

Sejauh Mata Memandang scarf (as headband) // thrifted top // hand-me-down purse + sandals // old skirt // photos by Caro + Jeremy
Usually, when a couple goes out with a friend—whether it’s a friend of one of them or a mutual friend—there is a quality of a third wheel amongst them. The most obvious/popular occurrence is that the friend is naturally the third wheel—being left out of the romantic relationship. Often, in my experience, that is not the case. For instance, although Jeremy and Caro are still quite lovey-dovey—even after over 6 months of relationship—Caro and I talked about friends and things that Jeremy wasn’t in on, thus leaving him in the dark. We surely don’t mean for it to be that way, but it just sort of happens, because the dynamic of the relationships between the three of us are completely different.
With me and Firu, it is likewise. There are times when we would hang out with friends—mutual or otherwise—and one of us would be sitting there clueless. In fact, it is rare that the friend is the third wheel, because we try to include them in our interactions as much as possible. I mean, sure, ideally there should be no third wheels—which is what we strive for—but it’s few and far between. I just find it funny that most people would think, when a couple of lovers and a friend hang out, the friend would be a dragged third wheel, while more often than not, they’re perfectly able to balance the bike.