Welcome to Semarang! Such a small town – a huge contrast to the always-busy Jakarta. My parents were both born here and my Dad was raised here, while Mom was then raised in Surabaya. I’ve been coming here all my life, yet I haven’t taken the time to explore the town, aside from all the culinary treats my parents never tired to introduce me to. Now that I’m older and realise how beautiful this vast country I’m from is, I’ve decided to explore it a little bit more. Before, I’ve introduced you to Toko Oen, which is an all-time favourite of mine. Now, let’s go to the oldest Chinese temple here called Sam Poo Kong.
Ever since the 1400s, the Chinese have come to Indonesia, especially Java, and resided here until now. There are many Chinese temples built all over this island, including in Semarang and Surabaya. This one in particular was built on the land that used to be the Garang River, where Admiral Zheng He – who was ironically Muslim – arrived in Nusantara (now Indonesia). When he left, his men built his statue in a cave where he used to pray. The temple underwent tons of renovation throughout the years, the one in 2002-2005 being the last one thus far.

The photo I took of Milzam taking a photo of me

Hand-me-down shirt (from Stepmom) // vintage shorts + hat // DF Fashion shoes // Cotton On purse (Sis’s) // photos of me by Milzam
To be honest, I didn’t bring enough “outfit post” clothes as I thought we would be far too busy and tired to do anything. Ahem, you see my family and I actually came to Semarang this time for yet another wedding. And I only brought clothes for one outfit post (and then tons of sleep attire). So I bugged my Stepmom to see if she has anything she no longer wears and/or I can borrow. That’s how I ended up with this adorable top.
The shoes are brand new, bought from Mayestik. If you’re a Jakartan, you would know that this is a massive collective marketplace. I don’t know what else to call it. Them being new are actually a torture on my feet; they’re already covered in blisters. But I’ve always wanted cut-out shoes for so long and now it’s mine! These photos were taken when I had a bit of quality time with my stepbrother, who turns out to be a really good photographer. We laughed so hard during the photoshoot and afterwards, when we went out to grab some boba tea until the sun went down.
Welcome to Semarang! Such a small town – a huge contrast to the always-busy Jakarta. My parents were both born here and my Dad was raised here, while Mom was then raised in Surabaya. I’ve been coming here all my life, yet I haven’t taken the time to explore the town, aside from all the culinary treats my parents never tired to introduce me to. Now that I’m older and realise how beautiful this vast country I’m from is, I’ve decided to explore it a little bit more. Before, I’ve introduced you to Toko Oen, which is an all-time favourite of mine. Now, let’s go to the oldest Chinese temple here called Sam Poo Kong.
Ever since the 1400s, the Chinese have come to Indonesia, especially Java, and resided here until now. There are many Chinese temples built all over this island, including in Semarang and Surabaya. This one in particular was built on the land that used to be the Garang River, where Admiral Zheng He – who was ironically Muslim – arrived in Nusantara (now Indonesia). When he left, his men built his statue in a cave where he used to pray. The temple underwent tons of renovation throughout the years, the one in 2002-2005 being the last one thus far.

The photo I took of Milzam taking a photo of me

Hand-me-down shirt (from Stepmom) // vintage shorts + hat // DF Fashion shoes // Cotton On purse (Sis’s) // photos of me by Milzam
To be honest, I didn’t bring enough “outfit post” clothes as I thought we would be far too busy and tired to do anything. Ahem, you see my family and I actually came to Semarang this time for yet another wedding. And I only brought clothes for one outfit post (and then tons of sleep attire). So I bugged my Stepmom to see if she has anything she no longer wears and/or I can borrow. That’s how I ended up with this adorable top.
The shoes are brand new, bought from Mayestik. If you’re a Jakartan, you would know that this is a massive collective marketplace. I don’t know what else to call it. Them being new are actually a torture on my feet; they’re already covered in blisters. But I’ve always wanted cut-out shoes for so long and now it’s mine! These photos were taken when I had a bit of quality time with my stepbrother, who turns out to be a really good photographer. We laughed so hard during the photoshoot and afterwards, when we went out to grab some boba tea until the sun went down.