Wo Ai Mie
Hello, all! What is the lockdown or quarantine situation where you live? Here in Jakarta, the government has issued the slight lifting of the LSSR (Large-Scale Social Restrictions), which means businesses are starting to open with implemented health protocols in place. While it’s given me quite mixed feelings, it’s also allowed me to go out and about again without much difficulty and reunited me with one of my hobbies: trying out new places to eat.
Without any further ado, Agung and I sauntered off to this noodle parlour not too far away from our office that I’ve been dying to try for several months now. I didn’t know much about it, except that it seems pretty anti-plastic—the noodles are served in these incredibly cute stainless steel bowls and paper containers for takeaway—with vegetarian options.
The place was apparently absolutely adorable too. Agung and I both love the colour schemes very much—the mix of teal and yellow just give it such a significant look. The interior design resembles a traditional Chinese noodle parlour with added modern touches, especially with the vibrant colours. We loved the noodles and tea very much too—definitely worth every penny!

Old dress + ribbon + socks // hand-me-down top (from Agung) // Nappa Milano shoes // Imaji Studio mask // photos by Agung
Okay, it’s probably in bad taste that I say this, but…going out to eat during the pandemic has its perks. One of them being the lack of crowd, especially in small restaurants like this one. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend going out and meeting up with your friends just yet, unless it’s absolutely urgent, but if you do—well equipped with safety tools, like masks and hand sanitizers—I’d definitely recommend places like this where there aren’t a lot of people around. Agung and I had the place almost completely to ourselves for most of our visit—a couple occupied one of the tables at the other end of the room at one point but left straight away after they finished their meals.
Personally, for me, aside from being able to try new places and dishes, I’m so glad to finally have control over what kind of container and utensils I’ll be using for my meals—when I’m not eating at home, of course, which, during the weekdays these days, I don’t. How about you? Do you miss eating out and how would you go about it? Do tell!

Wo Ai Mie
Hello, all! What is the lockdown or quarantine situation where you live? Here in Jakarta, the government has issued the slight lifting of the LSSR (Large-Scale Social Restrictions), which means businesses are starting to open with implemented health protocols in place. While it’s given me quite mixed feelings, it’s also allowed me to go out and about again without much difficulty and reunited me with one of my hobbies: trying out new places to eat.
Without any further ado, Agung and I sauntered off to this noodle parlour not too far away from our office that I’ve been dying to try for several months now. I didn’t know much about it, except that it seems pretty anti-plastic—the noodles are served in these incredibly cute stainless steel bowls and paper containers for takeaway—with vegetarian options.
The place was apparently absolutely adorable too. Agung and I both love the colour schemes very much—the mix of teal and yellow just give it such a significant look. The interior design resembles a traditional Chinese noodle parlour with added modern touches, especially with the vibrant colours. We loved the noodles and tea very much too—definitely worth every penny!

Old dress + ribbon + socks // hand-me-down top (from Agung) // Nappa Milano shoes // Imaji Studio mask // photos by Agung
Okay, it’s probably in bad taste that I say this, but…going out to eat during the pandemic has its perks. One of them being the lack of crowd, especially in small restaurants like this one. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend going out and meeting up with your friends just yet, unless it’s absolutely urgent, but if you do—well equipped with safety tools, like masks and hand sanitizers—I’d definitely recommend places like this where there aren’t a lot of people around. Agung and I had the place almost completely to ourselves for most of our visit—a couple occupied one of the tables at the other end of the room at one point but left straight away after they finished their meals.
Personally, for me, aside from being able to try new places and dishes, I’m so glad to finally have control over what kind of container and utensils I’ll be using for my meals—when I’m not eating at home, of course, which, during the weekdays these days, I don’t. How about you? Do you miss eating out and how would you go about it? Do tell!