May started with a tremendous need to be out and about. And me being me, I naturally had to take it upon myself to decide what’s to happen to me. So, doing what can be done now, I start to make a list of museums in Jakarta I could but have yet to visit—as part of my 24 Before 25 goals—and make it my life mission to visit museums every week. I can’t believe there are so many museums I have never even set foot in—and I’ve lived in this city my whole life! Okay, to be fair, I live outside of Jakarta, but still. Along with the museum outings, I try to find new places—and food—to eat as well. It’s such a pleasant feeling to find new, small and comfortable places to eat my meal. I think I was really happy this month, due to the fact that pretty much everything that happened to me this month was a result to my actions. It feels really, really good. You should try it too.
May started with a tremendous need to be out and about. And me being me, I naturally had to take it upon myself to decide what’s to happen to me. So, doing what can be done now, I start to make a list of museums in Jakarta I could but have yet to visit—as part of my 24 Before 25 goals—and make it my life mission to visit museums every week. I can’t believe there are so many museums I have never even set foot in—and I’ve lived in this city my whole life! Okay, to be fair, I live outside of Jakarta, but still. Along with the museum outings, I try to find new places—and food—to eat as well. It’s such a pleasant feeling to find new, small and comfortable places to eat my meal. I think I was really happy this month, due to the fact that pretty much everything that happened to me this month was a result to my actions. It feels really, really good. You should try it too.
Currently Reading

With the overwhelming surge of energy this month, it’s been close to impossible not to read so much, and I ended up reading more books than usual—granted one of them was a tremendously quick read that I could barely call it a book. Continuing with The Girl with All The Gifts from last month, I went on to check out another horror book to compile into the Horror Book video I filmed earlier this month. But, as I often like to let the story from the previous book sink in, I decided to flip through The Kites Are Flying for a day beforehand. Afterwards, I was completely mesmerised and caught up in the world of art, sibling rivalry and family drama that is I’ll Give You the Sun—it was an unbelievable experience! I think the book falls into the YA category, but it is definitely one of those that could still open your eyes and heart to new things even when you read it as an adult. Lastly, I’m finally cracking open The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher, which I had been eyeing for years and bought in early February. So that’s basically all of my literary adventure so far.

With the overwhelming surge of energy this month, it’s been close to impossible not to read so much, and I ended up reading more books than usual—granted one of them was a tremendously quick read that I could barely call it a book. Continuing with The Girl with All The Gifts from last month, I went on to check out another horror book to compile into the Horror Book video I filmed earlier this month. But, as I often like to let the story from the previous book sink in, I decided to flip through The Kites Are Flying for a day beforehand. Afterwards, I was completely mesmerised and caught up in the world of art, sibling rivalry and family drama that is I’ll Give You the Sun—it was an unbelievable experience! I think the book falls into the YA category, but it is definitely one of those that could still open your eyes and heart to new things even when you read it as an adult. Lastly, I’m finally cracking open The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher, which I had been eyeing for years and bought in early February. So that’s basically all of my literary adventure so far.
Currently Watching

Aside from re-watching Grey’s Anatomy from season 1—and basically bawling at the end of each episode, especially the season 10 finale—and mending my broken heart by running into the arms of JD and Turk in Scrubs, I also went to the cinema this month to watch 声の形 (A Silent Voice) and Kartini. A Silent Voice deals with bullying that it breaks my heart almost instantly when it starts. It shows a beautiful realisation that the evil lies not necessarily on the bully themselves, but more on the whole concept/idea of bullying—because the culprit can turn into victim in the blink of an eye and vice versa. It’s such a sweet (but not romantic) story of loving yourself and others—highly recommended! Kartini, on the other hand, is obviously a story of feminism from Indonesia’s greatest and earliest feminist. The movie stars Dian Sastrowardoyo, who is able to capture the essence of Kartini that is so different from all that I’ve ever known. It is beautiful, inspiring and absolutely gripping! On the flipside, one of my best friends successfully got me hooked on The Kardashian Spoof—nuff said.

Aside from re-watching Grey’s Anatomy from season 1—and basically bawling at the end of each episode, especially the season 10 finale—and mending my broken heart by running into the arms of JD and Turk in Scrubs, I also went to the cinema this month to watch 声の形 (A Silent Voice) and Kartini. A Silent Voice deals with bullying that it breaks my heart almost instantly when it starts. It shows a beautiful realisation that the evil lies not necessarily on the bully themselves, but more on the whole concept/idea of bullying—because the culprit can turn into victim in the blink of an eye and vice versa. It’s such a sweet (but not romantic) story of loving yourself and others—highly recommended! Kartini, on the other hand, is obviously a story of feminism from Indonesia’s greatest and earliest feminist. The movie stars Dian Sastrowardoyo, who is able to capture the essence of Kartini that is so different from all that I’ve ever known. It is beautiful, inspiring and absolutely gripping! On the flipside, one of my best friends successfully got me hooked on The Kardashian Spoof—nuff said.
Currently Listening

In terms of music, unfortunately, I haven’t been very adventurous lately. Aside from this song that has been stuck in my head, thanks to Grey’s Anatomy, I have been listening to songs on my iTunes. The one musician that I have been falling back in love with, though, is Katie Herzig. I love her songs and how easy it is to relate to them emotionally. My all-time favourites are Sweeter than This, Jack and Jill, Wish You Well and Hologram. That being said, I rediscovered a song of hers that I didn’t even know I had: I Will Follow. Ever since I accidentally stumbled upon it on my iTunes, I have just been pretty much playing it on repeat and singing along to it. There’s just something almost off about her songs, in which even the happy songs don’t sound completely happy—like there’s a disturbing sadness or darkness underneath. Just my kind of music, really.

In terms of music, unfortunately, I haven’t been very adventurous lately. Aside from this song that has been stuck in my head, thanks to Grey’s Anatomy, I have been listening to songs on my iTunes. The one musician that I have been falling back in love with, though, is Katie Herzig. I love her songs and how easy it is to relate to them emotionally. My all-time favourites are Sweeter than This, Jack and Jill, Wish You Well and Hologram. That being said, I rediscovered a song of hers that I didn’t even know I had: I Will Follow. Ever since I accidentally stumbled upon it on my iTunes, I have just been pretty much playing it on repeat and singing along to it. There’s just something almost off about her songs, in which even the happy songs don’t sound completely happy—like there’s a disturbing sadness or darkness underneath. Just my kind of music, really.